Posted on Mar 18, 2025 in app, Events, General |

Join us at 6:30pm, online or in person, as we hear about the most selfless act of love in the history of the world. God wants to connect with you and gave everything to do just that!
24862 Hwy 59
Porter, Tx 77365
Posted on Mar 18, 2025 in app, Events, General |

Join us Easter Sunday for worship! We will have two identical services at 9:30am and 11:00am. Choose the time that works best for your family. We will have coffee and donuts waiting for you!
24862 Hwy 59
Porter, Tx. 77365
Posted on Feb 26, 2025 in app, Events, General |

Come out anytime on Saturday, March 8th to our property for a self-guided prayer event. We encourage you to head out to the property and pray about what God has planned for it and us! There are items there for the children to help them pray and participate with you, these items can be found on the property behind our Dwelling sign. Email us at with any questions.
Saturday, March 8th, anytime that day, on your own
22585 Mitchell Lane
New Caney, 77357
(Across from Oakley Elementary)
Posted on Jan 27, 2025 in app, Events, General |

You are an integral part of the body of Christ that God has knit together at The Dwelling, and we are so grateful for you! As we plan for the future, we would like to invite you to take part in a special Vision Event. Together, we’ll hear Pastor Seth share how our church leadership believes the Lord is directing and guiding our church in this next season.
We will share a meal together and hear more about this exciting vision for the future of The Dwelling. We hope to see you there!
Embassy Event Center
24862 Hwy 59, Porter, Tx 77365
Lunch will be provided.
Childcare is provided.
Please rsvp using the link by Feb. 3rd
Posted on Jan 26, 2025 in app, Events, General |

Come out anytime on Saturday, February 8th to our property for a self-guided prayer event. We encourage you to head out to the property and pray about what God has planned for it and us! There are items there for the children to help them pray and participate with you, these items can be found on the property behind our Dwelling sign. Email us at with any questions.
Saturday, February 8th, anytime that day, on your own
22585 Mitchell Lane
New Caney, 77357
(Across from Oakley Elementary)