
Sunday, August 15th

If you are a student, parent or teacher, we want to take some time on Sunday,  August 15th to pray for you!  You will not need to participate if you don’t want, however at the end of the service we will invite students, parents and teachers to stand so we can pray for this upcoming school year!  Hope to see you on the 15th!  Click here to let us know you’re coming!

July 3rd – Fire, Food & Friends

July 3rd at 7:00pm
21625 Leonard Street
New Caney, Texas. 77357
We are super excited to have another Fire, Food & Friends coming up!!  Bring your friends and family for a time of rest and hanging out!  We will have a fire going and something great to eat!  Tell the kiddos there will popsicles and a pool to swim in (if mom and dad want to watch their kids swim).   Don’t forget to bring your favorite camp chair and we will see you there!!  Check out our Facebook Event Page for more information!

Summer in the Psalms

Super easy way of getting into the Bible each day through the summer! Simply read the chapter of the day that coincides with the day of the month! Psalm 1 on June 1st. Psalm 2 on June 2nd etc… The Psalms, found in the very middle of the Bible, will begin to both teach you promises from God as well as important aspects of prayer! Invite a friend to join in with you and let’s listen for what God has to say to us through the Psalms this summer!

Thy Kingdom Come

This is a prayer journal, from Thy Kingdom Come, that will focus our attention on 5 people we know who do not believe in Jesus.  This is only an 11 day journal starting on May 13th (The Ascension of Jesus) and going until May 23rd (Pentecost).  When the Holy Spirit moves, stuff happens!  For those who decide to lean into this, we will be begging the Holy Spirit to continue moving in the lives of our 5 people to bring them the incredible gift of faith and new life!

Fire, Food & Friends – May 8, 2021

We are super excited to have another Fire, Food & Friends coming up!!  Bring your friends and family for a time of rest and hanging out!  We will have a fire going and something great to eat!  Tell the kiddos there will be marshmallows and chocolate for s’mores!  Don’t forget to bring your favorite camp chair and we will see you there!!  Check out our Facebook Event Page for more information!
