
Drive-up Communion – August 17th

Monday evening, August 17th, we are offering Drive-up Communion anytime between 6:00pm and 7:30pm.  We will be as cautious as possible with distributers wearing masks, sanitizing hands and trays between vehicles, and allowing for participants to remain in vehicles.  If you have any questions about participating, please contact thedwellingtx@gmail.com.  Click here for more information.

Fourth Sunday Back & Online! – June 28th

Join us this week for our second week in our new series, “In Everything”!  Watch on Facebook or YouTube or join us inperson at Embassy! 

Third Sunday Back and Online – June 21st!

Worship with us this Sunday at 10:00am at Embassy or Online!   Click here for more information and livestream links.

Two ways to Worship! – June 14th

Join us this Sunday for our second Sunday back!  Worship with us at the Embassy or online through Facebook or YouTube! 

First Sunday Back! – June 7, 2020

One church, two ways to worship!  We are excited to offer worship at Embassy and will continue to offer online worship on both Facebook and YouTube as well!
