
Prayer Gathering – May 17, 2020

As continued “prayerful next steps,” The Dwelling is having another prayer gathering Sunday, May 17th.  We hope you will join us after our 10am, online worship service, at noon at the Embassy & Event Center.
Like before, we will meet inside the Embassy and Event center while social distancing and encourage masks but not mandate them. 
If you aren’t feeling well or are not comfortable with meeting at this time, we would encourage you to remain at home.
We are excited to see you!  

Prayer Gathering – May 10, 2020

With so many different perspectives out right now, The Dwelling will simply continue moving forward in its decision making process by taking “prayerful next steps.”  
Join us this Sunday, in addition to our regularly scheduled 10am online worship, we are also providing an in-person, prayer gathering.  
We will practice social distancing and encourage but not mandate wearing masks.  We will meet inside at the Embassy and Event Center.  If you are not feeling well or simply feel uncomfortable gathering at this time, we would encourage you to remain home.  
Really excited to see you guys!!

Good Friday – April 10, 2020

Come as you are to our Good Friday worship service, on Facebook or Youtube, as we observe the most selfless act of love in the history of the world.  God wants to connect with you and gave everything to do just that!

Easter Sunday – April 12, 2020

We would love to have you join us for our Easter Sunday worship!  Come as you are, right from your couch!!  Join us live on Facebook or YouTube!
