How To Read The Bible
See Jesus As Central
When you read the Bible, look for Jesus. It is not a “to-do manual” or simply an ancient history book. The Bible is GOOD NEWS and reveals Jesus to us and his plan to redeem and restore the world from rebellion and sin. Read to better understand him and his heart for humankind.
See Luke 24:27
Read The Bible With Others
Reading the Bible with others doesn’t replace individual reading, but it will help you have great perspective, understand God more fully, and be drawn closer to others. Reading Scripture with others brings accountability and can help us establish consistency.
See 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Ask Law/Gospel Questions
When you read the Bible, you will notice it contains both instructions and promises. Ask yourself three questions:
What is the text asking me to do?
What is it asking me to stop doing?
What is it promising me?
These questions will help us love Him and our neighbor better.
See 2Timothy 3:16
Read The Bible Prayerfully
Pray before you begin reading, while you are reading, and when you have finished. God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us. Pray that god will help you to see him clearer and to understand and apply His Word. That is a prayer he loves to answer!
See John 16:13a
Live Out What The Bible Teaches
Loving Jesus and obeying his Word are beautifully intertwined. The more we read the Bible, the more we will love Him and desire Him. Believe and live what the Bible promises and teaches, and you will grow in faith and maturity as a Christian.
See John 14:23a
Read The Bible Consistently
Read the Bible daily whenever possible. Don’t read as if it were something to check off your to-do list. Instead, read it as a way to get to know God more. Find a consistent time each day to read and study. You can start with 5 minutes a day and build up from there.
See Col. 3:16a (NLT)