Sermon Audio Archive
Stand Alone 2018
Nov 25, 2018

Are You Missing Out?
By: Seth Kunze
Series: Stand Alone 2018
Do we honor God with our lips only, or is our hearts close to Him as well? As we enter into this Christmas Season, we enter into a time filled with 'religious' like things, but God doesn't care about that stuff one bit when our hearts aren't close to Him. Today, where is your heart, and what has God done to help us get closer to Him?
Matthew 15:1-9
- Nov 25, 2018Are You Missing Out?Nov 25, 2018Are You Missing Out?By: Seth KunzeSeries: Stand Alone 2018Do we honor God with our lips only, or is our hearts close to Him as well? As we enter into this Christmas Season, we enter into a time filled with 'religious' like things, but God doesn't care about that stuff one bit when our hearts aren't close to Him. Today, where is your heart, and what has God done to help us get closer to Him?Matthew 15:1-9
- Sep 23, 2018Called to InfancySep 23, 2018Called to InfancyBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Stand Alone 2018Discipleship is not about how much you do or how much you know; it's about seeing ourselves as children of God. Looking at his disciples, Jesus bring little children into His midst and says, "this is what it looks like to follow me!"Mark 10: 13-16
- Jan 7, 2018Wrasslin’ with GodJan 7, 2018Wrasslin’ with GodBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Stand Alone 2018Sometime's we struggle so much with God that He actually allows Himself to "lose" for our sake.Genesis 32:22-32
Faith Practices
Jan 28, 2018

Faith Gathers Together
By: Mark Philpott
Series: Faith Practices
In this message we talk about the importance of community and fellowship as the body of Christ.
1 Peter 2:5, 9-12
- Jan 28, 2018Faith Gathers TogetherJan 28, 2018Faith Gathers TogetherBy: Mark PhilpottSeries: Faith PracticesIn this message we talk about the importance of community and fellowship as the body of Christ.1 Peter 2:5, 9-12
- Jan 21, 2018The Living WordJan 21, 2018The Living WordBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Faith PracticesThe Bible, the Word of God, is an important tool to help guide and shape our Christians faith.Hebrews 4:11-13
What’s First
Mar 11, 2018

A Material World
By: Ralph Spence
Series: What's First
Here we talk about the human pressure to turn money and possessions into the ultimate thing we chase.
Matthew 6:21
- Mar 11, 2018A Material WorldMar 11, 2018A Material WorldBy: Ralph SpenceSeries: What's FirstHere we talk about the human pressure to turn money and possessions into the ultimate thing we chase.Matthew 6:21
- Mar 4, 2018The Tech TowerMar 4, 2018The Tech TowerBy: Seth KunzeSeries: What's FirstAs mankind seeks to continuously improve the value of life through technology, we often dismiss God's authority and neglect His commands.Genesis 11:1-9
- Feb 18, 2018A Command Rooted in LoveFeb 18, 2018A Command Rooted in LoveBy: Seth KunzeSeries: What's FirstWe are forced to ask the question "what's first in my life? What thing, what desire, shapes my thoughts and drives my actions? What if my ultimate value is found in material things and not in God?"Exodus 20:1-3
Easter 2018
Apr 1, 2018

Easter 2018
By: Seth Kunze
Series: Good Friday/Easter 2018
There's too much at stake to not explore Jesus' claim that He is the Son of God and rose again from the dead. The implications for this to be true are too great for us not to explore it further.
Matthew 28:1-10
- Apr 1, 2018Easter 2018Apr 1, 2018Easter 2018By: Seth KunzeSeries: Good Friday/Easter 2018There's too much at stake to not explore Jesus' claim that He is the Son of God and rose again from the dead. The implications for this to be true are too great for us not to explore it further.Matthew 28:1-10
- Mar 30, 2018Good Friday 2018Mar 30, 2018Good Friday 2018By: (All)Series: Good Friday/Easter 2018In the midst of the brokenness, hurt, and pain of this world, someone has to pay.Matthew 26:57 - 27:61
Jun 10, 2018

The Full Armor of God
By: Seth Kunze
Series: Ephesians
What does it mean to really "put on the full armor of God?" Much like being properly clothed on a motorcycle, the armor of God protects us from barriers, obstacles, and even demonic forces of evil.
Ephesians 6:10-24
- Jun 10, 2018The Full Armor of GodJun 10, 2018The Full Armor of GodBy: Seth KunzeSeries: EphesiansWhat does it mean to really "put on the full armor of God?" Much like being properly clothed on a motorcycle, the armor of God protects us from barriers, obstacles, and even demonic forces of evil.Ephesians 6:10-24
- Jun 3, 2018Children Obey Your ParentsJun 3, 2018Children Obey Your ParentsBy: Seth KunzeSeries: EphesiansHonor is brought about when children obey their parents and when parents instruct their children in the Lord. Even though we may be grown up and have kids of our own, we are still the children of our parents and of God.Ephesians 6:1-9
- May 27, 2018Submit and LoveMay 27, 2018Submit and LoveBy: Seth KunzeSeries: EphesiansHere we dive into the Greek meaning behind the word choice "submit" and what it looks like to submit to Christ and to Christ-like leadership.Ephesians 5:21-33
- May 20, 2018Let Your Light ShineMay 20, 2018Let Your Light ShineBy: Seth KunzeSeries: EphesiansSometimes things look really scary until we shine a light on them. In a dark world, Jesus is our light and casts out our fear. As His children in the light, we are called to be the light to the darkness around us.Ephesians 5:1-21
- May 13, 2018New Life in Jesus ChristMay 13, 2018New Life in Jesus ChristBy: Seth KunzeSeries: EphesiansGod wants to do something new in you. Once we put away the tendencies and desires of who we were before Christ, we can "put on the new self" which was purchased for us through Jesus' death and resurrection.Ephesians 4:17-32
- May 4, 2018Unity in Faith
- Apr 29, 2018Unimaginable LoveApr 29, 2018Unimaginable LoveBy: Seth KunzeSeries: EphesiansWhat is love? Even when we try to define it, the kind of love The Father has for us is unimaginable. It's the kind of love that adopts us even when we're the cost of His own Son.Ephesians 3:14-21
- Apr 22, 2018Radical Family of AllApr 22, 2018Radical Family of AllBy: Seth KunzeSeries: EphesiansJesus Christ himself broke down the dividing wall of hostility between people groups so that even today, regardless of color, social status, gender, etc., we are all one in Him.Ephesians 2:11-3:13
Footprints of Faith
Jul 15, 2018

Abraham’s Family
By: Seth Kunze
Series: Footprints of Faith
Faith works in us to shape us and change us. And then we can use that to train others up and teach them what it is that faith does. We learn that faith listens to God's Word, it prays, it forgives, and it worships.
Hebrews 11:17-22
- Jul 15, 2018Abraham’s FamilyJul 15, 2018Abraham’s FamilyBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Footprints of FaithFaith works in us to shape us and change us. And then we can use that to train others up and teach them what it is that faith does. We learn that faith listens to God's Word, it prays, it forgives, and it worships.Hebrews 11:17-22
- Jul 8, 2018JacobJul 8, 2018JacobBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Footprints of FaithThe roots of sin extend so deeply that the first sin in the Garden of Eden still effects us today. If we look deep enough into our own families, we can start to see where certain sins are passed down from generation to generation.Genesis 35:9-15
- Jun 24, 2018SarahJun 24, 2018SarahBy: Jeffrey ReuterSeries: Footprints of FaithGod has the power to take that which is certainly dead and give it life.Genesis 16:1-6, 18:10-14
- Jun 17, 2018AbrahamJun 17, 2018AbrahamBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Footprints of FaithWhat does it look like to have faith enough to let God call you out of comfort and familiarity into the unknown of a promise?Genesis 12:1-9
The Real Deal
Aug 12, 2018

Where to Find Hope
By: Seth Kunze
Series: The Real Deal
Suffering is transformed by our relationship with God.
Romans 12:12
- Aug 12, 2018Where to Find HopeAug 12, 2018Where to Find HopeBy: Seth KunzeSeries: The Real DealSuffering is transformed by our relationship with God.Romans 12:12
- Aug 5, 2018ForgivenessAug 5, 2018ForgivenessBy: Seth KunzeSeries: The Real DealWhen we take into account how much we have been forgive by the works of Jesus Christ on the cross, we can learn to let go of wrongs that have been done to us and to forgive those who have wronged us.Romans 12:19-20
- Jul 29, 2018Be TransformedJul 29, 2018Be TransformedBy: Seth KunzeSeries: The Real DealIt's easy to start thinking that once we accept Christ and get to to go Heaven that we're done. However, the apostle Paul talks about how our lives are to be transformed to look more and more like Christ's, even after we are saved.Romans 12:2
- Jul 22, 2018Moments of MercyJul 22, 2018Moments of MercyBy: Seth KunzeSeries: The Real DealIn this sermon we define worship and answer the question of what it looks like to offer our bodies as living sacrifices.Romans 12:1
Back to Basics
Sep 16, 2018

By: Seth Kunze
Series: Back To Basics
Fiery trials don't mean you've done something wrong. It also means you don't have faith or that God isn't with you. In fact, God works in the fire.
1 Peter 4:12-15
- Sep 16, 2018RefineSep 16, 2018RefineBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Back To BasicsFiery trials don't mean you've done something wrong. It also means you don't have faith or that God isn't with you. In fact, God works in the fire.1 Peter 4:12-15
- Sep 7, 2018RedemptionSep 7, 2018RedemptionBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Back To BasicsGod is involved in our lives and loves us. No matter what you've done against God, it's never bigger than what God has done for you.Ezekiel 36:16-28
- Aug 26, 2018RebellionAug 26, 2018RebellionBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Back To BasicsEvil is closer to us than we realize, but so is Jesus.Genesis 3:1-8
- Aug 19, 2018Created in DependencyAug 19, 2018Created in DependencyBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Back To BasicsThe distinction between creation and creator is critical and has incredible implications for your life: God makers stuff happen, we matter to God, and we are dependent on Him.Genesis 1:1
The Struggle Is Real
Oct 7, 2018

By: Seth Kunze
Series: The Struggle Is Real
Though we fall victim to sins in our life, we are who we are (children of God) by grace. We are made worthy because of Jesus Christ and what He did for us.
Colossians 1:9-14
- Oct 7, 2018UnworthinessOct 7, 2018UnworthinessBy: Seth KunzeSeries: The Struggle Is RealThough we fall victim to sins in our life, we are who we are (children of God) by grace. We are made worthy because of Jesus Christ and what He did for us.Colossians 1:9-14
- Sep 30, 2018LonelinessSep 30, 2018LonelinessBy: Seth KunzeSeries: The Struggle Is RealLoneliness isn't just a situational thing (being alone in a room); it can also be a circumstantial thing (being surrounded by people yet feeling alone inside). In any case, Jesus is always with you.Genesis 2:18
Who are we? Who is he?
Dec 30, 2018

The Other Christmas Story
By: Mark Philpott
Series: Who Are We? Who Is He?
What do you hold too tight? Listen in as Mark Philpot fills in with today's message, reminding us we don't have to hold onto the things of this world so tightly because God holds us tight.
Philippians 2:1-11WatchNotesDownloadDateTitle
- Dec 30, 2018The Other Christmas StoryDec 30, 2018The Other Christmas StoryBy: Mark PhilpottSeries: Who Are We? Who Is He?What do you hold too tight? Listen in as Mark Philpot fills in with today's message, reminding us we don't have to hold onto the things of this world so tightly because God holds us tight.Philippians 2:1-11
- Dec 29, 2018Fresh StartDec 29, 2018Fresh StartBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Who Are We? Who Is He?When we look in the manger we see...a fresh start! A fresh start for each of us. God a baby...a new beginning...a newness and freshness that's for all!
- Dec 24, 2018Christmas Eve Service
- Dec 9, 2018President or Peon?Dec 9, 2018President or Peon?By: Seth KunzeSeries: Who Are We? Who Is He?President or Peon, we are all a big deal to God! In this message we lear how God cares for each of us, no matter who we are, and wants to use us for some mighty task!Luke 1:26-38
- Dec 2, 2018A People in the LightDec 2, 2018A People in the LightBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Who Are We? Who Is He?So often it can feel like we are carrying a heavy load...up hill...all by ourselves. Listen in to hear how God calls us into community of "we" who do life with each other and walk together in the light of grace!1 Peter 2:9-10