Aug 11, 2019
Apart from God, how bad is our heart?
By: Seth Kunze
Series: Tough Questions

- Aug 11, 2019Apart from God, how bad is our heart?Aug 11, 2019Apart from God, how bad is our heart?By: Seth KunzeSeries: Tough Questions
Apart from God, how bad is our heart? Ephesians 2:1-5
- Aug 4, 2019Psalm 23Aug 4, 2019Psalm 23By: Seth KunzeSeries: Tough QuestionsThis week we are answering the incredibly difficult question, "Why did God allow evil to come into the world?" Although not an easy question to tackle, and not one with a simple answer, God does provide us with some important truths to hang onto in the midst of struggling with this question. Listen in to today's message to learn what these truths are and what our response to this question could look like.
- Jul 14, 2019Christian LoveJul 14, 2019Christian LoveBy: Richard SkinnerSeries: Stand Alone 2019C.S. Lewis: "Christian love, either toward God or toward man is an affair of the will. If we are trying to do His will we are obeying the Commandment 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God'". from Mere Christianity.Romans 12:9-21 1 Corinthians 13:13 Romans 12:9-13 Romans 12:14-16 Romans 12:17-21
- Jul 7, 2019The Promised LandJul 7, 2019The Promised LandBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Joshua
Have you ever felt like everything is coming at you at once? Like it just feels like you can’t ever catch a break! Sometimes life can feel this way and we often times wonder what God has for a plan! Although it often doesn’t feel like it, God has more of a plan than we realize! Listen in to find out just a little piece to what that is!
Verses: Joshua 21:43-45 Joshua 11:1-5 Ephesians 6:12 Joshua 1:6 Joshua 1:13 Joshua 21:44 Joshua 23:1 Matthew 11:28 1 Peter 5:10 - Jun 30, 2019Cleansing the CampJun 30, 2019Cleansing the CampBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Joshua
Sin is serious stuff! Too often we forget that sin affects not only our relationship with God, but sin also spills over to our relationships with other people. Listen in as Pastor Seth shares how a our cultures quick fix to what is deemed as only minor mistakes is far from getting to the heart of the matter. God Himself will need to show up to bring about the kind of cleansing to the camp that’s needed.
1 Corinthians 5:11-13 Achan's Sin Reference: Joshua 6:18, Joshua 7:1, & Joshua 7:5-6 Joshua 7:10-11 - Jun 16, 2019Behind Enemy LinesJun 16, 2019Behind Enemy LinesBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Joshua
Check out today’s message to see how Joshua and Israel operated as they were living in enemy territory. Today, you and I live in a world where spiritual forces of evil are constantly against us. In this message you will learn the importance of “surrender, remember, and the commander!” Listen in!
- Jun 9, 2019When the walls are big, but God’s biggerJun 9, 2019When the walls are big, but God’s biggerBy: Seth KunzeSeries: JoshuaHave you ever felt as if God couldn't help you simply because He couldn't get to you? Like maybe the walls that make you feel "trapped" in your life are too big, maybe the sin is too deep, maybe the struggle is too real! At times it can feel as if God expects us to somehow break out of our own jail cell all by our self! Check out today's message to hear a Bible story full of walls, obstacles, sin, and challenges, and one young lady who trusted God could get to her anyway.Joshua 2:1-14 Joshua 2:9 Joshua 2:11-13 Colossians 1:13-14 Revelation 22:20
- Jun 7, 2019Strong & CourageousJun 7, 2019Strong & CourageousBy: Seth KunzeSeries: Joshua
Joshua 1:
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.Deuteronomy 31:7 ESV Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you shall go with this people into the land that the LORD has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall put them in possession of it.