Oct '20

December 24, 2020 – Christmas Eve
Oct '20

This year, we will have two opportunities for in-person worship at The Dwelling, and we will also have the 6:30pm service available on Facebook and YouTube.
Christmas Eve 4:00pm
In person only, MASKS REQUIRED
Concludes with candlelight
Christmas Eve 6:30pm
In person (masks encouraged) and Online
Concludes with candlelight
Super excited to worship our savior who has come to dwell with us!
We continue to encourage those who are not feeling well, those who are or have family who are high risk, or are simply uncomfortable at this time to check out our livestream and worship with us on facebook or youtube!
Oct '20

Ugly Sweater Sunday – Dec. 13th
Oct '20

Sunday December 13, 2020 is the day!! Ugly Sweater Sunday!! The person with the ugliest sweater is our winner and will take home the FAMOUS Dwelling Ugly Sweater Trophy!!! We will have a photo booth set up with one of our members standing by to take your official Ugly Sweater Pic for the contest. See our contest rules below.
Contest Rules
1) Share out the photo that we take and post to our Facebook page.
2) Encourage friends, family, or even the person behind you in line at Starbucks, local BBQ restaurant, anyone you can, to go to our Facebook page find your photo and like and share it out!! The contestant photo with the most likes and shares will be our winner! (It’s important that your photo be liked and shared from our page so that we can count those likes and shares!)
The contest will be open for a week and our winner will be announced at our service the following week! (12/20/20)
Get to shopping or creating those ugly sweaters!!
Aug '20

Drive-up Communion – August 17th
Aug '20

Monday evening, August 17th, we are offering Drive-up Communion anytime between 6:00pm and 7:30pm. We will be as cautious as possible with distributers wearing masks, sanitizing hands and trays between vehicles, and allowing for participants to remain in vehicles. If you have any questions about participating, please contact Click here for more information.
Jun '20

Fourth Sunday Back & Online! – June 28th
Jun '20

Join us this week for our second week in our new series, “In Everything”! Watch on Facebook or YouTube or join us inperson at Embassy!
Jun '20

Third Sunday Back and Online – June 21st!
Jun '20

Worship with us this Sunday at 10:00am at Embassy or Online! Click here for more information and livestream links.