Mar '23

Good Friday – April 7th
Mar '23

Join us at 6:30pm, online or in person, as we hear about the most selfless act of love in the history of the world. God wants to connect with you and gave everything to do just that!
Mar '23

Fire, Food & Friends – March 25th
Mar '23

Come out for a time of rest and hanging out. We will have a fire going, pizza to eat and s’mores for the kids! Feel free to bring a side to share but you do not have to! We will have a bounce house for the kids and an Easter egg hunt!
Be sure to invite your friends and family and bring your favorite camp chair. Let us know you’re coming on our Facebook Page. We hope to see you there!
Oct '22

Christmas Eve 2022
Oct '22

On Saturday, December 24th at 6:30pm, we will gather for an amazing Christmas Eve Worship Service. (You can join us in person or online.) Hot cocoa, children singing and we will end the service with Silent Night to candlelight! We look forward to spending this Christmas Eve with our church family and some new faces!
Oct '22

Ugly Sweater Sunday – December 18th
Oct '22

Sunday December 18, 2022 is the day!! Ugly Sweater Sunday!! The person with the ugliest sweater is our winner and will take home the FAMOUS Dwelling Ugly Sweater Trophy!!! We will have a photo booth set up with one of our members standing by to take your official Ugly Sweater Pic for the contest. See our contest rules below.
Contest Rules
1) Share out the photo that we take and post to our Facebook page.
2) Encourage friends, family, or even the person behind you in line at Starbucks, local BBQ restaurant, anyone you can, to go to our Facebook page find your photo and like and share it out!! The contestant photo with the most likes and shares will be our winner! (It’s important that your photo be liked and shared from our page so that we can count those likes and shares!)
The contest will be open for a week and our winner will be announced at our service the following week! (12/25/22)
Get to shopping or creating those ugly sweaters!!